Page 1 - Newletter Issue 8
P. 1

Classroom           Chronicles

   March 2021                                                                                               Vol 1  Issue 8

     The Examina�on fever grips the en�re country around
     this �me every year. No television, no play, no ou�ngs,
     no  celebra�ons!  The  children  are  in  a  lockdown  of  a
     kind,  home  quaran�ned  with  the  maximum  possible
     social distancing from friends, extended family and of
     course the social media.

     We have been striving to treat examina�on �me as a
     �me to celebrate learning. We have been working to
     ensure that children take examina�on in a natural way
     just as they breath, eat, talk, laugh, jump, play, enjoy!

     We need to continue to work towards a culture where:

         Children learn for the sake of learning and not for marks and examina�on.

         Children do not study at the last minute.. in the school bus.. in the exam hall.. moments before the examina�on.
         Such prepara�on leads to rote learning and not actual learning.

         Children follow a balanced rou�ne even during the days they do not have tests and exams.

         Children try to achieve and not grab. We make them realise that there is no shortcut to success.

         Children do their best and leave the rest .

     This can be made possible when there is no fear of marks or when there isn’t any kind of pressure from us - teachers
     and parents.

     Children tend to revise the concepts they have studied as a prepara�on for Tests and Exams and not just memorize
     facts, figures and informa�on to write on an answer sheet. Children take exams to be�er their own performance.
     Compe��on should be with one’s own self.

     When each child is unique, with their own interests, ap�tudes and abili�es, it is not fair to compare two different
     individuals. Let us also not forget that comparison leads to greed and greed leads to frustra�on.

     We help the child understand his/her areas of improvement so that he/she can work accordingly to be�er his/her

     performance . Instead of marks we focus on remarks. Remarks give the child and the parent the direc�on to
     overcome the weakness.

     We iden�fy the strength of every child before we point out shortcomings. A child struggling in a par�cular subject
     may be blessed with be�er ap�tude for a different subject. It is our duty as teachers and parents to understand that

     Parents and Teachers must work together, and communicate regularly to understand how the child can be helped
     to maximise his/her poten�al.
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