Page 2 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 9
P. 2

This year proved  that nothing is impossible. As we know that children can’t sit for a long �me in one
     place for work but our children learnt to sit in front of the electronic devices / laptops, computers,
     mobiles for 2-5 periods as per their class requirements. Nothing else ma�ered to them.

     They enjoyed the company of their teachers and they were extremely happy to meet and see their friends, though
     it was just online.

     We set our curriculum as per our children’s needs. In physical school, we set our �me table in such a way that
     children can enjoy the teaching and learning process with the help of ac�vi�es because that is their need.

     In these uncertain �mes where physical school is not possible, we tried to set our curriculum in such a way where
     children should not be bored, �red or exhausted in front of the digital world or locked in the four walls of the house.

     In our zoom teaching learning classes also, we gave �me to our children to Explore, and Experience themselves. We
     celebrated the important days, fes�vals, fun days.
     No doubt children missed the beau�ful school campus, unforge�able mas� with their friends, close interac�ons

     and  parental touch with  the  teachers, BUT  we tried  our  best to compensate for the  loss  by providing a  few

     memorable moments through ac�vity classes.

     As we know that we adults  can ADOPT ,  ACQUIRE, ACCUSTOM, ARRANGE  new things,  new people,  new
     environment, and new learnings, our �ny tots of Pri-Primary and Primary Wing also learnt many new things this
     The students of the Senior wing were highly enthusias�c as they were given a pla�orm on various occasions to put
     up their skills. Not to miss out on the dynamic Fridays where Senior wing used to enjoy their CCA period, we tried
     to give them the same pleasure of discovering one's talent and apprecia�ng the others’, through the online ac�vity
     classes for Music, Art, Library and Games.
     Dear children,

     You might have faced many barriers the last academic year. Maybe you could not login on �me or submit an

     assignment due to technical difficul�es, you missed out the ground ac�vi�es, could not experiment in the lab, run
     in the corridors, sit in the library, a�end an assembly in the hall.
     But you above all these,have achieved a lot. You were determined to learn, working hard on your assignments,being
     punctual to the class, compassionate to your friends,preparing well for an ac�vity. You are part of history. The world
     will remember you as the ones who were never ready to give up and we teachers will stand with our head held high
     as you rise up in your future life.
     We all admire your effort and are proud of you that you learnt to adapt to changes and proved to be determined.
     Thank you for teaching the world that nothing is impossible if we have the willpower.
                                                                                                     - Ms Rajeshwari
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