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Classroom           Chronicles

   February 2021                                                                                            Vol 1  Issue 7

     1st February 2021 will be cherished as a momentous day in the history
     of  our schools.  A year-long  pandemic  built  virtual  walls  between
     teachers and students. All of schooling moved online. Our dedicated
     team  of  teachers  and  enthusias�c  students  kept  the  wheels  of
     educa�on  turning  but  compared  to  the  good  old  days  of  physical
     schooling, these long months offered academic consistency, but very
     li�le emo�onal gra�fica�on on both sides of the screen.

     It was, thus, no surprise to see the excited faces of our teachers when
     they  were  made  aware  of the government's  decision  to re-open
     schools in a restricted manner, for students of Class IX-XII. Nearing the
     end of a long academic year, their joy knew no bounds as they waited
     eagerly to see their students face-to-face, once again (behind masks,
     of course!)

                                                          The campuses of both schools - Sherwood & Heritage Valley
                                                          -  were  spruced  up,  following  the  SOPs  mandated  by  the
                                                          government. All of our staff that �relessly worked through
                                                          2020, went above and beyond their call of duty to ensure
                                                          that students eager to set foot in their school campus a�er
                                                          months, would enter a safe and sani�sed environment.

                                                          Classrooms were re-arranged to accommodate small groups
                                                          of students, signboards erected all over, equipment made
             Here's a glimpse into the Re-opening Day!    ready  to  sani�se  the  spaces  frequently  and  most
                                                          importantly, internet connec�ons were upgraded to enable
                    hybrid classroom sessions - enabling all students (in school

                                                          and at home) to a�end classes without break.

     On the morning of the 1st of February, when one a�er another, students walked into the gates, it was almost as if
     the en�re campus sprung to life. The playground, corridors and classrooms came alive once again with hearty
     conversa�ons and masked laughter. Students a�ended the assembly, said their prayers and moved to their assigned
     classrooms, responsibly maintaining social distancing under the watchful eyes of their teachers. It was heartening
     to see them meet each other in person and rejoice in each other's company. A�er all, this social development, a
     cri�cal part of schooling, was long overdue.

     As classes resumed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and hushed excitement, seeing some semblence of normalcy
     come back into our lives. The light at the end of the tunnel is s�ll some distance away, but brighter more visible than
     it has been in the past. Slow, steady and together, we will get there.
     But there is more than one reason to celebrate this month.

     Star�ng with this issue of Classroom Chronicles, we are proud to introduce our Student Newsle�er Commi�ee.
     Teachers have passed on the mantle of the newsle�er to a team of enthusias�c, crea�ve and imagina�ve students.
     These  young  minds  hit  the  ground  running  and  within  a  short  span  of  �me,  have  managed  to  curate  some
     interes�ng ar�cles from both the schools. We look forward to seeing them churn out exci�ng ideas for future
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