Page 7 - Vol1-Issue7
P. 7


     I exercise and perform yoga every day. It keeps my mind fresh and ac�ve. It makes me healthy, energe�c
     and makes my brain sharp. If we perform yoga regularly, it will help our body to construct proper shape
     and make our muscles stronger. By performing yoga we can maintain our weight . People o�en choose to perform
     yoga a�er working out in the gym, because it is not only a  physical exercise but also a mental exercise. It refreshes
     the mind and reduces the stress from the body. I miss doing yoga and exercising in my school very much.

                                                                                                - Saumya Chandak, I

     Junior Wing (Class VI-VIII)

     Interna�onal Mother Language Day (21st February)

     In this fast growing society where communica�on between people of different countries has become important,
     the problem of language barriers has been solved by the crea�on of an Interna�onal Language: ENGLISH. Children
     are being taught this language from a very early age so that they can pick up this language faster .While it has really
     helped children to be fluent at speaking and wri�ng English, it has its drawbacks.

     The language that must be first taught to them is being neglected, their MOTHER TONGUE. Kids nowadays can’t
     even write simple sentences in their mother tongue and younger genera�ons are only sailing farther apart from
     their roots. Knowing your Mother tongue connects you to your roots and helps one to understand his/ her culture
     be�er. But in today’s society, children are becoming more westernized and are developing dislike towards their own
     mother tongue. This can be prevented by teaching them about the vibrant heritage of their mother tongue and also
     their culture.

     This can be done by making the child’s mother tongue a compulsory language in all schools. Parents should also
     teach their child about the importance of knowing one's mother tongue and keeping in touch with their culture.
     The importance of knowing the mother tongue is equally important to each one of us, be it an adult or a child. It is
     essen�al  to  learn  foreign  languages  but  this  shouldn’t  be  done  by  ignoring  our  own  mother  tongue.    So  this
     Interna�onal Mother Language day, I urge you all to connect with your roots and spread awareness about the
     importance of learning our mother tongue/language.

     Few quotes highligh�ng the value of mother tongue:

     “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language that goes
     to his heart.”
     -Nelson Mandela

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                                                                                                - Hinduja Reddy, VIII

                 Manvith M M - VII                    P.Nakshatra - VII                    Piyali V - VII

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