Page 9 - Vol1-Issue7
P. 9

Experiencing online classes

     We are informed that the school has reopened for a few grades but there are s�ll many of us who
     haven't gone to school for the past one year. Many of us are wai�ng for the schools to reopen so that
     we don’t have network issues or get disconnected .

                                                                 The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered new ways of
                                                                 learning.  All  around  the  world,  educa�onal
                                                                 ins�tu�ons are looking for online learning pla�orms
                                                                 to con�nue with the process of educa�ng students.
                                                                 The  new  normal  now  is  a  transformed  concept  of
                                                                 educa�on  with  online  learning  at  the  core  of  this
                                                                 transforma�on. Today, digital learning has emerged
                                                                 as a necessary resource for students and schools all
                                                                 over the world. For many educa�onal ins�tutes, this
                                                                 is an en�rely new way of educa�on that they have
                                                                 had to adopt. Online learning is now applicable not

     just to learn academics but it also extends to learning extra-curricular ac�vi�es for students as well.

     Before this pandemic we did not know about the online classes but now we are the ones who guide others. We
     have also celebrated a number of fes�vals virtually and have learnt about them through presenta�ons, skits, videos
     etc presented by our classmates. Even though we have a bad network or any technical issues, teachers are the ones
     who explained the concept many �mes. Here instead of a black board we have a white board which is very similar
     to the school boards.

     We have also learnt the uses of many applica�ons and devices which have
     really helped us in improving our knowledge in computer science.

     Many of us who were not aware of powerpoint presenta�ons, excel sheets
     are currently doing many beau�ful presenta�ons.

     The best part of online classes is that it can be taken from home or loca�on
     of choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons.

     I would like to conclude by saying that online classes have their own advantages and disadvantages depending upon
     the usage.
                                                                                              - Vaishnavi Kadam, VIII

     Senior Wing (Class IX-X)

     How did  Supers��ons begin?

     Supers��ons began centuries ago when our ancestors tried to explain mysterious circumstances or events as best
     as they could, with the knowledge they had. For instance, before the development in Science explained why mirrors
     show our reflec�ons or why shadows appear when it’s sunny, ancient people reasoned that a shadow or reflec�on
     was a part of their soul. If someone broke something on which the shadow or reflec�on appeared, people believed
     that their soul was harmed. Hence, when a person broke a mirror, it was considered unlucky or harmful. Today, we
     know that reflec�ons and shadows are not a part of our souls but if someone s�ll believes it is bad luck to break a
     mirror, they are said to be supers��ous. So, supers��on is a belief or prac�ce that people cling to even a�er new
     knowledge or facts prove that these silly beliefs are untrue.

                                                                                               - Gaurikhaa.R.Pillai, IX

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