Page 2 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue2
P. 2

•      Following a  balanced rou�ne is most beneficial to a child's development - fix a �me towake
                up, a�end the classes sharp on �me. The �me gap between two periods is for the child to
                relax and prepare for the next period. Isolate from the screens, take a walk in the room,
                sprinkle water on the face and they are good to go.
         •      The habit of jo�ng down the points during the live session ensures that the child is focused during
                the class, furthermore it acts as a reference during self-study. A child need not dive into the online
                material and spend long hours when they have the concepts handy in crisp form.
         •      Podcasts, audiobooks and read alouds are a go to when a child  comes across a concept that leaves
                him/her  perplexed.  Clear the hurdle by listening to these modes before running into the visual
                forms of online content.
         •      Have the child use only one device at a �me to a�end the class, as a spare device in hand would
                divert his a�en�on to the ocean of op�ons available online which would only prove to be a means
                of distrac�on.
         •      Allot some �me to exercise, rejuvenate muscles and joints. Having healthy snacks in between the
                classes helps them maintain the energy throughout.
         •      “Your success will be in direct propor�on to how you spend your free �me”. Avail oneself of the free
                �me in the finest manner. Structure parents’ rou�ne in such a way that your free �me coincides
                with your ward’s. Here are some effec�ve ac�vi�es /plans to u�lise leisure to its fullest extent:

            •      Bring in  the old  world  charm  and essence  through  stories/ photo albums  to your kids.
                   Reminisce your past, the life struggles, your dreams, the bondage with your na�ve place,
                   friends, closed ones etc. Ge�ng to know these elements would definitely enhance your
                   child’s rapport with you.
            •      Allot �me with family for games like dumb charades. This would be a total fun and gives
                   everyone a �me off from the chao�c day life.
            •      Set up an audio system and let the en�re family sing to karaoke tunes. Sing and dance to your
                   heart’s content without the fear of being judged or commented on. It’s not about how well
                   you are at it, rather it’s about the joy you extract.
            •      Who does not love playing hide and seek / Simon says / snake and ladder/ marbles/ treasure
                   hunt?...Despite one's age, involve in the game with the kids and feel afresh.
            •      Paper boats/paper planes/kites are all �me favourites. Mark your names on the paper toys
                   and try working them out. Who’s turned out to be the most efficient?
            •      Have each family  member’s character  built  into a cartoon  or emoji.  Wouldn’t  that be
            •      How well do you know each other – have a game planned on this to get to know the family
                   members thoroughly well.
            •      Set up a tent using clothes/ nets inside the house for a night stay. Converse inside the tent,
                   play, sleep and enjoy.
            •      Plan a meal and create dishes together.
            •      Take a walk in the garden, plant saplings on the terrace.
            •      Give your rooms / house a new look – paint the walls, rearrange the furniture, create cra�
                   pieces and bring in a fresh vibe. This li�s up the spirit of the whole house.

         Dear Parent,

         It could be the most effortless plan that creates a ripple of laughter and fun within the family. In a �me
         where none on earth has a solid solu�on to the exis�ng problem, it is des�ned upon us as how we chose to
         live our life. While the brain of an adult is grappled with issues concerning livelihood, struggle for existence
         and making ends meet, what we should not forget is that this �me will also pass, but our children whom we
         have brought to this earth won’t be able to regain this �me and childhood. A parent’s responsibility does
         not end with providing children the facili�es to a�end classes; suppor�ng them with a healthy family
         atmosphere, dedica�ng quality �me to them and assuring them your presence when and where required
         would be a blessing to each and every soul who is des�ned to spend their �me away from school and
         friends in these trying �mes.
                                                                                                 - Ms. Neethu.M

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