Page 5 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue2
P. 5

August 15 is remembered every year as on this day India gained independence from Bri�sh rule.
         Bri�shers ruled our country for over 200 years.

         Independence day is the Na�onal Fes�val of our country. This year we are celebra�ng our 75th year of
         Independence. We celebrate this day by flaun�ng the na�onal flag and singing the na�onal anthem.
         On this day, the Prime Minister of our country hoists the na�onal flag at the Red fort in New Delhi. A�er
         that the soldiers salute the na�onal flag by firing 21 guns.

         It is the day to remember the sacrifices of the great freedom fighters like Raj Guru, Sukhdev, Khudiram
         Bose, Lakshmi Sahgal, Peer Ali Khan and many more.
         Now it's our responsibility to take our country ahead on the path of development by promising ourselves
         that we will live a disciplined life by following the guidelines given by our parents and teachers. To achieve
         anything first small steps should be taken care of.
         If we are successful in becoming a good person, then for sure we can become a reason for the development
         of our country. As we know, “ Every good ci�zen adds to the strength of a na�on”.

                                                                                                - Tanya Singh, V

          Number Work Ac�vity by Class I and II

                                                                                               ENGLISH ACTIVITY  -
            ART - LET ME                                          CCA - POSTER MAKING
          ASK SOMETHING,              CCA - TOOTHBRUSH                   AND                   GOOD CARD + CRAZY
         ‘WHAT IS NOT ART’                PAINTING                 COLLAGE MAKING                  FRIENDS =
                                                                                              GREAT MEMORIES - IV

          EVS ACTIVITY - GREEN                                                         MY FAVOURITE SPORT
             DRAWING VIBES,                       FLASHY AND COOL                      THE SPIRIT OF SPORTS
          ORIGAMI BIRD SMILES,                  HANDMADE RAKHIS BY                    REFLECTS THE VALUE OF
          FROM CATERPILLAR TO                       PRIMARY WING                        A PERSON’S SPIRIT,
           BUTTERFLY LIFECYCLE                                                           BODY AND MIND


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