Page 3 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 3

Enhancing Virtual Learning - A word to the parents..

         Percep�on ma�ers to see the world in its true beauty, isn’t it? Today’s scenario is a perfect opportunity to
         put this thought to prac�ce. The pandemic has put us to task, but on a posi�ve note, the world has learnt

         to see a lot of things through a different lens, educa�on being one among them.

         The idea of educa�on has taken a different shape and is being considered by the family of educators and
         parents in the most careful and delicate manner. Both the groups are striving to closely evaluate the current

         need of the child and fulfil it in the best way possible.

         To ease this process, and to help see an opportunity in these trying �mes, we offer to share a perspec�ve.

         Today parents hold a pivotal role in enhancing the virtual learning game and empowering educators with
         their support. Here’s how.

         1.     While children are with parents through out owing to the ongoing situa�on, we look at the

                 opportunity parents have to re-examine their bond with their children . The pandemic has but opened
                 doors to know our children be�er- their tastes, interests and capabili�es. It takes us many steps closer

                 to our children.

         2.     To know our child is to understand and set reasonable goals for him/ her to step up his/ her confidence.

                 Unrealis�c goals only stand as forever hurdles in any child’s life and shut the door to discovering their
                 best side.

         3.     There is a gap in learning of a child when there is a gap in communica�on between the educator and

                 the parent. Therefore, regular correspondence about the child’s progress, needs and challenges faced
                 by the child, with the teachers helps them to reach out to the child with required support.

         4.     The young minds today are the most aware of all �mes. They are quick, smart and excellently adap�ve,
                 yet, there is always a need for guidance to help them acquire the skill sets that suit today’s �mes and

                 make a fine career. Parents have an opportunity to discuss the reality, challenges associated with it and
                 all that it takes for the child to stand as an independent and passionate individual.

         5.     The world is open to children online and so are the threats that come along. It is impera�ve that
                 children are educated about Cyber Crime and ways to keep themselves safe. We must remember that

                 they belong to the most vulnerable group on digital media.

         Sherwood believes that school and home share a common purpose - the overall development of the child.
         With a change in perspec�ve, we are a step closer to realizing this purpose.

                                                                                                 - Ms  K. Swetha

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