Page 7 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 7

PP2 - Healthy Food Day Celebra�on

         Let Us Join Our Hands

         During this �me of crisis, our children need extra support to understand their emo�ons.

         Dear parents,
         What role can you play in suppor�ng your child in virtual learning?

         Ask Yourself:

         1.     Are we helping our 4 to 5 year old child when he/she is a�ending online class?
         2.     Am I making my child wear proper dress for the class?
         3.     Am I preparing my child a few minutes before class �me?

         4.     Am I guiding my child when to mute and unmute to answer the ques�ons or raise queries?
         5.     Am I taking care of my child’s si�ng posture and eyesight?
         6.     Am I guiding my child to wait  for his/her turn ?
         7.     Am I mo�va�ng my child to engage in learning ac�vi�es?
         9.     Am I clear on why teachers make him/her do different ac�vi�es?

         10.   Am I assis�ng my child when he/she works on assignments and ac�vi�es?
         11.   Am I praising my child when he/she does a good job?

         My dear parents, we value your partnership and look forward to receiving construc�ve help from you.
         Let’s join our hands to bring up our innocent children for a be�er future.
                                                                                        - Ms Vinodhini Ramanan

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