Page 5 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 5


         The First Steps

         Pre - Primary kids are the most adorable and charming, blooming buds, innocent yet curious.
         We need to engage these li�le ones in an adventurous journey. This adventure includes teaching them to
         become independent, to make them calmer, happier and self-confident to a�end their  online class and
         stay connected while ge�ng to know who their new companions and teachers are. Our li�le ones have
         their own frequent tantrums and this is very natural. Many parents face the same situa�on  trying hard to
         help their li�le one to cope with the present situa�on.
         Teachers are here to help the child and the parents with many interes�ng home and school ac�vi�es. We
         try our very best to help our li�le one learn in a happy and friendly environment.

         Step by step ac�vi�es are shown  to the parent along with their li�le one watching curiously from the
         comfort of their home. It  takes a while for the li�le one to par�cipate in these fun ac�vi�es. The teacher
         makes  the  ac�vity  interes�ng  for  the  child  to  par�cipate  in  during  the  online  class.  In  the  beginning,
         rhymes, good morning songs, singing and dancing with ac�ons are taught so that the li�le ones feel happy
         and par�cipate willingly.

         The same can be repeated at home so that the �ny tots sing and dance freely at home and also during the
         online class.
                                                                                            - Ms Sharon D’Souza

     Activities To Develop Motor Skills In Children

         Arranging the Bangles

         Children of PP 1 using Rice Tubes as Beads

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