Page 13 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue2
P. 13

Akshara: Do you think this was the right �me to launch the business and how was the customer acceptance?

              Tushar: There is actually no right or wrong �me to launch a business. You have to create a market if you have
              a new product. The customer acceptance is very good un�l now. We have had a lot of orders, repeat orders,
              a lot of word of mouth. People have appreciated what we are building and it is beneficial for a lot of people who
              don’t have a budget for a scooter but want something for a 15-20 km commute. So it is very helpful for them. We have got
              a lot of feedback about what we have missed out on our model as well and we have upgraded our model depending on
              their feedback. It is an evolving process, we cannot get it done the first �me. We have to keep improving it and we are
              doing it. It will be about 6 months to come out with an upgrade or a change in the model depending on what feedback we
              are ge�ng from the people. It is an incredible process.

         Gautami:  It  is  very  nice.  Usually  in  businesses  customer  feedback  is  very  important.  You  can  take  them

              Tushar: Right. Absolutely. So being a small company it is easier for us, we are very agile so we can make changes in about
              3-6 months for any model. So that way it is a lot easier for us. For bigger companies it becomes a bit difficult. For us, a
              smaller company it is not as challenging.

         Akshara: How did you build it from scratch?

              Tushar: The process basically starts off with a lot of market research. We started researching about the cycles available in
              the market, what kind of electric cycles are there in the market, where there is demand, where there is no demand, what
              is catchier, what is the customer's requirement, what is the price range. A�er a lot of market research we started defla�ng
              our first model. Then a�er the first model came out we got a lot of feedback so we made a second and a third. So it is just
              research, research and research. At the end of the day the more research you can do in terms of market the be�er your
              product keeps ge�ng. So it is all about research.

         Akshara: Wow ! That is a lot of work.

         Gautami: Were there any drawbacks to your product? How did you resolve them?

             Tushar: There were a few drawbacks when we started off. So our first model was dominant for male market.  So that was
             one of our major drawbacks. A lot of women complained about it. We quickly in 6 months had a second model out with the
             specifica�ons which was more for both men and women. So once we launched that we realised that there is a male and
             female market which would want to use such products. So from the next �me we made sure that every product that we
             launched had a model for both .So that was our first ever major learning, that happened even a�er a lot of market research.

         Gautami: Yes sir,  there are always improvements that we can make to any product.

                                                                                                 Tushar: Absolutely

         Akshara: How did you feel when you saw the final product of your hard work?

              Tushar: I don’t even remember. It was so long ago. I was really �red because we were working about 48 hours with hardly
              any sleep. We had a launch deadline approaching. We were working in a small garage in Hyderabad. It was a good feeling
              but at the same �me we were really �red . But once we started selling the models that feeling was really different because
              to see your product come out of an idea in reality and people accep�ng it is a different feeling altogether. You can’t put
              that feeling in words. It is absolutely overwhelming.

         Gautami: What message would you give to the students regarding following their passion?

              Tushar: I think students should follow their passion, and do what they enjoy doing which can be useful for their future. If
              you are not happy with what you are doing, then there's no point in doing it, so if you have a passion for computers go
              ahead and get into that field.

         Gautami: It was an immense pleasure talking to you. We hope that you can achieve more in the future.

                                                                                        Tushar: Thanks ya. Thank you.

         Akshara: We really enjoyed talking to you. Thank you for interac�ng with us. We learnt a lot about you and
         your journey. Thank You.

                                                                                 Tushar: Any�me. Thank you for joining.

                                                                              - By, Ch.Gautami and Akshara Shrigiri

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