Page 14 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 14

The Power of Music

         Music  triggers  an  emo�onal  response,

         reduces  mental  disturbance.  It  is  a
         combina�on of melodies and harmony which
         soothes  us.  Listening  to  music  has  a  lot    of
         benefits.  Music  aids  the  body  to  recover
         faster  from  injuries,  it  reduces  stress  and
         anxiety, it improves memory and eases pain,

         it helps us sleep be�er, it improves our  endurance, it helps us stay focused and be more crea�ve and so on.
         The purpose of  music is to express, understand and to explore. Animals also respond to music just  as
         humans do. Music has many different genres, as pop makes us happy, the hip  hop energizes us and music
         can relate to any kind of situa�on. Music is in every  aspect of life from expressing love to le�ng out
         sadness, from a cheerful party to a  warm rainy day. Music is being passed down from centuries, the

         presence of  human’s love for music can be seen in history. Learning instrument can’t only be  considered
         as learning a new skill but it also improves key cogni�ve func�ons such  as memory. Music is just amazing!

                                                                                                  - S. Vishwaja, X

         The flip side of Nuclear Energy

         We've all heard the doubts on nuclear energy. The examples of Hiroshima and  Nagasaki are men�oned
         every �me the topic is brought up. However, we must also understand the correct impact it could have on
         our environment.

         Our carbon footprint increases day by day. The petrol emissions are only making our air worse and the
         withdrawal to change our ways because it would "cost too much” is  probably going to drag us to our
         graves. Nothing is quite infallible. Yes, we could possibly run out of nuclear fissions someday and yes, we
         might have to switch back but the thought is farther into the future than the likelihood of humanity making
         it there.

         So,you might ask what possibly could be the glamour of nuclear energy. I'll tell you,  it's clean. Zero carbon
         emissions, means zero damage done to the environment. As  technology con�nues to advance, nuclear
         energy  is  becoming  an  increasingly  safe    and  stable  op�on  for  energy  produc�on.  As  Bill  Gates  said,
         “Nuclear energy, in terms of an overall safety record, is be�er than other energy.” Lots of industries already
         benefit from nuclear energy. The medical field uses radia�on to figure out if your bones are broken, or to
         find and kill your cancerous cells. Agriculture uses it to  gene�cally modify the corn that you ate last Friday
         and the watch on your hands  uses an element of nuclear energy too.

         I know this seems like every other infotainment ar�cle out there but it has more value than you'd think. We
         are the next genera�on, the genera�on that is going to have to deal with the results of fossil fuels long a�er
         those who proposed them are dead. It is our responsibility as the torch bearers to ensure that we don't
         corrupt and  contaminate our world further than it already is. If that means we might live past  2050, why
         not give it a try?
                                                                                              - Apurva Suman, X

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