Page 9 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 9

Junior Wing (Class VI-VIII)

         Online - Teaching Learning

         As  COVID  Pandemic  has  taken  the  world  by  storm,  technology  is  now  the  highest  human  hour  �me
         consumer. The educa�on industry also has switched to online teaching and learning pla�orms, making
         learning limitless. Stay home, Work from Home and Learn at Home are the new reali�es now. Tradi�onal
         methods of teaching are rapidly ge�ng subs�tuted and reformed and teachers at Sherwood have come up
         with innova�ve pedagogies to refine learning in a virtual space.

         At Sherwood Public School, the teachers and students have been familiar with using virtual classrooms as
         part of their learning process. Zoom’s non - verbal feedback tools like hand raising, clapping have led to
         increased engagement and enthusiasm in class. Announcements in MCB are efficient and effec�ve means
         to get no�fica�ons and assignments.

         I am sure that through reality technologies, we will be able to cater to the needs of all types of learners and
         produce the highest level of immersive and differen�ated learning.

                                                                                              - Ms. Anitha Reddy

         The Road of the Milk
         Ancient  stargazers  named  this
         patch  the  “Road  of  the  Milk”,
         which eventually  became known
         as the Milky way. It wasn’t un�l
         the    20th     century     that
         astronomers  realized the milky
         path across the sky was actually
         the center of our galaxy as seen
         from Earth. Our Milky way is 13.51 billion years old. It contains of 100 – 400 billion  stars. Our earth is
         27,000 light – years away from the center of the Milky way. The  Persian astronomer Abu Rayhan al-Biruni
         (973-1048) proposed that the Milky way is  “A collec�on of countless fragments of the nature of nebulous
                                                                                               - P. Sreenidhi, VIII

         What I Love

         I love my parents                I love coding                             I love crea�vity
         I love my family                 I love Math                               I love pain�ng
         I love to be on �me              I love to dance                           I love Science
         I love to spend �me!             I love art and cra�!                      I love games
                                                                                    And I love them all!
         I love to study                  I love making homemade stuff
         I love to play                   I love making play things
         I love to write much             I love making robots
         I love to sleep!                 I love making food!                                      - S Harshit, VI

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