Page 15 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 15

         My Grandma being a baby boomer who is new to the world of internet always quizzes me about
         her day-to-day usage of light giving electronic devices as she calls it, (cell phones), and me being
         a gen-Z bud enthusias�cally help her most of the �mes, and at certain �mes I complain about how there
         should be a manual for cell phones, to how run the apps or even to switch on the phone!
         On one sunny, hot a�ernoon Grandma gives her feet a rest by si�ng by the veranda, I acknowledged my
         presence by si�ng right beside Grandma.

         Grandma – Akshara, I’ve heard your sister on those light giving electronic devices, she was men�oning
         about someone named podcast mul�ple �mes, I wonder who this guy is perhaps, I should keep a close eye
         on your sister.

         Akshara/me – Ah grandma, podcast is not a guy’s name, podcast is a technological term.

         Grandma – Here we go again…

         Akshara – Podcasts are a pla�orm of discussion o�en in a series of episodes. Podcasts are audios which are
         made for educa�on, social services, humour skits, biography, celebrity interviews, sharing opinions with a
         guest. It’s a mp3 file which is usually available for download. As a student I cannot deny the fact that
         reading and wri�ng can be a li�le �ring and boring, instead I listen to podcasts some�mes for entertaining
         myself or to take a break. Most people want to make podcasts as a medium of communica�on whereas
         others make podcasts for their source of income.

         Grandma – That is very fascina�ng, perhaps I wonder what are the roots of podcas�ng…

         Akshara  –  Back  in  the  1980s  there  was  no  such  thing  as  podcasts.  There  was  something  called  audio
         blogging with portable devices such as the iPod, then people developed this term into another new term
         known  as  Podcast,  in  2004,  they  said  it  was  a  combina�on  of  the  iPod  and  broadcas�ng.  Since  then,
         Podcas�ng emerged and spread worldwide.

         Grandma – Those are some thick roots baap re, I wonder how podcas�ng works…...
         Akshara – Ah that’s quite a lot of work to do, yet podcasts are made by huge organisa�ons such as eBay, as
         well as the common people like us, can also start a podcast by choosing a topic and name, then crea�ng the
         script and a format, then a logo and an intro music, furthermore by recording audio and edi�ng, then
         pos�ng it on Spo�fy, You tube, or iTunes.

         Grandma – wow, that was a lot of informa�on to take in 15 mins but now I have a sudden urge to start a
         podcast, maybe something like “Chai hours with Nani”.

         Akshara – Ha Ha, I hope you don’t forget to men�on your Granddaughter in it.
                                                                                             - Akshara Shrigiri, IX

         Fun Drawings

         This is a fun li�le game for anybody who wants to prac�ce their drawing in a very fun and crea�ve way.

                                            Steps to play this game -
                                            •     Roll the dice each �me to decide every part of the character .
                                            Eg - You roll 4 then you can choose the straight hair or the curly one and
                                            so on for all the features of the character.
                                            •     A�er you roll the dice 8 �mes and decide all the features , you can
                                            see your character come to life as you draw it.

                                            You can customise the game and make it your own by drawing your fun
                                            imagina�ve features .
                                                                                                - Ch.Gautami, IX

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