Page 13 - Newsletter Vol2 Issue 1
P. 13

           ANANYA SARVA (VIII)                                                             ART WORK BY
            DONS THE HAT OF                       EXPERIMENTS WITH                      OUR JUNIOR WING
           A NEWS PRESENTER                       THE PROPERTIES OF                          STUDENTS

               Ananya Sarva (VIII)                Tamanna (VI) experiments
         dons the hat of a News Presenter        with the Proper�es of Ma�er        Art Work by our Junior Wing students


     Senior Wing (Classes IX-X)

         Online learning and new beginnings (22nd June 2021)

         One of the most used terms in the pandemic is the term “new normal.” The COVID-19 pandemic has
         triggered new ways of learning and significantly increased the use of virtual learning pla�orms. All around
         the world, educa�onal ins�tu�ons are con�nuing to adapt to newer, be�er online learning tools to carry on
         the process of educa�ng students. The new normal now is a transformed concept of educa�on with online
         learning at the core of this transforma�on.

         Digital learning has come out as a necessary resource for students and schools all over the world. For many
         educa�onal ins�tutes, this is an en�rely new way of learning that they had to cope with. Online learning is
         now relevant not just to learn academics but also extends to learning extracurricular ac�vi�es. In recent
         months, the demand for online learning has risen significantly, and will con�nue to do so in the future. As
         with most teaching methods, online learning also has its own set of pros and cons.

         Understanding these posi�ves and nega�ves in depth will help ins�tutes in crea�ng strategies for more
         efficient delivery of the lessons, ensuring an uninterrupted learning journey for students all across. The
         opportunity to access all educa�onal resources of a tradi�onal course, at any given �me of the day, helps
         students learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the �me for study. This not only
         increases learning efficiency and flexibility but also mo�vates students to learn be�er.

         In today’s �mes, even with just a basic internet connec�on, a person can choose and pick from a sea of
         online classes and courses and pursue the ones that interest them the most. Despite all these advantages,
         what online learning misses out on the most is the physical interac�on that tradi�onal schools provide.

         New beginnings bring in a sense of hope and relief, and recently, when I a�ended the first day of my 10th
         grade online classes, I felt exactly the same. The first day of the new year of our school was immensely
         exci�ng as we could finally interact with our friends again. We got a chance to meet our teachers, get to
         know them be�er and they helped us understand what’s in store for us in the coming year.

         Through this, what I learnt the most is that learning never stops. Be it offline or online, tradi�onal or digital,
         educa�on is a process that goes on, always.

                                                                                                  - Naushin. S, X

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